Technology with a Purpose


Search Results for: “”

  1. Longview Police Department

    Prepare and Protect Your Police Department’s Most Important Asset…Your People

    Sergeant Doug Kazensky and Solutions Engineer Johnny Roberson recently sat down for a riveting discussion on how Longview (WA) Police Department uses Vector Solutions’ (TargetSolutions)…

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  2. Online training courses

    Help Law Enforcement Officers Serve Communities Better with These 7 New Online Courses

    How do you provide 24/7 service and find valid training methods in today’s challenging public safety climate complicated by budget cuts, staffing shortages, and COVID-19…

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  3. Law Enforcement Scheduling Redirect

  4. fire trucks and firefighters brigade in the city

    Ontario Government Provides $5 Million in COVID-19 Funding To Local Fire Agencies

  5. Streamline Job Performance Requirements for Canada

    Submit an Entire Crew’s Performance Evaluations—in a Few Clicks

    Vector Evaluations+ Introduces Crew-Wide Performance Evaluations Firefighting requires a mastery of countless skills and competencies. This mastery requires countless hours of training and regular assessments…

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  6. coronavirus in comm resources

    Why Blended Learning Lowers Costs and Improves Training Outcomes

    What is blended learning? Blended learning is a combination of off-line (face-to-face, traditional learning) and online learning that complements each other. Today, many public safety…

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  7. New Courses Approved by Several State Regulatory Agencies

    Vector Solutions’ (formerly TargetSolutions) offers multiple training catalogs for public safety professionals to meet recertification requirements, complete continued education credits, and learn important skills relevant…

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  8. Vector LMS (TargetSolutions) Foldering Flexibility in Generating Reports

    As a flexible training platform that has gained top customer ratings for user-defined configuration, Vector LMS (formerly TargetSolutions) has added more functionality for users to…

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  9. Paying it Forward: A Decade Worth of Training Platform Optimization Tips

    Kannapolis Fire Department Division Chief, Greg Summitt, recounted how Tim Riley, a Vector Solutions employee and former fire department training administrator, helped him set up…

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  10. How COVID-19 is Shifting Training Paradigms

    The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted many paradigms, including how we train professional skill sets and cognitive development. While training in the law enforcement profession differs…

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